Housing Choice Voucher Special Programs
Housing Choice Voucher Special Programs
PHA administers special allocations of HCV vouchers for specific groups, individuals and households needing rental assistance. An applicant must meet HCV eligibility requirements as well as qualify under the specific guidelines for the special program(s).
HUD Veteran’s Affairs Supportive Housing Program (VASH)
The HUD–VASH program combines HUD HCV rental assistance for homeless veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) at its medical centers and in the community.
The VA refers eligible homeless veterans to PHA. For more information, please visit the VA’s website or call the Philadelphia Veterans’ Multi Service Center at 215-923-2600
Mainstream Vouchers
Mainstream vouchers provide voucher assistance to non-elderly disabled persons aged 18-62 who are:
• Transitioning out of institutional or other segregated settings,
• At serious risk of institutionalization,
• Homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.
The eligible household member does not need to be the head of household but must be 18-62 years of age at the time of voucher eligibility. PHA partners with the City’s Office of Homeless Services (OHS), and Liberty Resources who refer eligible applicants. For more information, please visit their websites:
OHS: www.phila.gov/departments/office-of-homeless-services
Liberty Resources: https://libertyresources.org/
Family Unification Program (FUP) and Foster Youth to Independence (FYI) programs
Partnership between PHA and the City of Philadelphia’s Department of Human Services (DHS) where vouchers are provided to families for whom the lack of housing is a primary factor in the placement of a child in DHS care or delay in discharge of the child from DHS care.
The FYI program provides vouchers to youth (ages 18-24) who are homeless or at-risk of homelessness and have a history of child welfare involvement – time-limited by statute to 36 months.
DHS refers eligible applicants to PHA for both the FUP and FYI programs. For more information visit the DHS website: www.phila.gov/departments/department-of-human-services