Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
PHA and the City submitted the Assessment of Fair Housing document to HUD in December 2016. View or download a copy below.
PHA is committed to actively supporting fair housing and equal opportunity, to operating its housing and service programs in an open and non-discriminatory manner and to fully complying with all fair housing laws and regulations.
In 2015, the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued new Affirmatively Further Fair Housing (AFFH) regulations which apply to federal agencies and grantees, including cities and public housing authorities.
You can learn more about the AFFH requirements by exploring HUD’s website.
One of the major AFFH requirements is the submission of an Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) which identifies fair housing challenges and issues, along with priorities and goals that will affirmatively promote and further fair housing.
PHA is collaborating with the City of Philadelphia to develop the AFFH for submission to HUD in the fall of 2016. Our shared goal is to identify any areas where City or PHA policies or practices may be restricting housing opportunity and to identify new or revised policies and strategies that can further the ultimate goals of furthering fair housing, improving access to opportunity, and strengthening Philadelphia’s neighborhoods.
The AFH is a tool that utilizes data, analysis, collaboration, and community meetings among other sources to formulate fair housing priorities and goals related to public policies, strategies, and investments. The priorities and goals identified in the AFH will be incorporated as applicable into the City’s Five Year Consolidated Plan and PHA’s Moving to Work Annual Plans.
The involvement of public housing residents, Housing Choice Voucher participants and other City residents and stakeholders was essential to the development of the AFFH and fair housing priorities and goals. Your opinions matter!
PHA and the City encourage you to stay up-to-date and please keep coming back to our website for updated information or visit the City’s AFFH website.