Queen Lane Redevelopment

PHA demolished the Queen Lane high-rise at 301 W. Queen Lane in Germantown and plans to construct 55 new, affordable rental units for individuals and families.
The new Queen Lane Apartments are comprised of townhouses and stacked flats. Most units have private, covered entry porches and access to a rear yard patio or deck space.

Frequently Asked Questions
Why is PHA not building homeownership units at the new Queen Lane?
There is a critical need for affordable rental housing in the City and in the Germantown neighborhood.
PHA has built homeownership units at some of its new, mixed-income developments in the recent past. Unfortunately, the HOPE VI funding used to build these rental and homeownership developments is no longer available. In addition, it’s very important to note that the current housing market is discouraging for new home sales.
Please be advised that PHA’s Homeownership Department does offer opportunities through its homeownership counseling program; its Housing Choice Voucher (HCV – formerly Section 8) Homeownership Program; and its 5H Homeownership Program for scattered sites residents wanting to buy the house they currently occupy. You can learn more about PHA’s Homeownership Programs here.
What will happen to Kelly Playground?
Housing was built along the periphery of the site, including a portion of what was the playground. PHA successfully worked with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) on the Section 106 historical preservation process in the area that once contained a potter’s field. Learn more about the 106 process at HUD’s website. PHA has committed $500,000 toward the purchase of two lots to replace a playground that formerly occupied part of the current site; one lot would be a “tot lot” while the other would contain a basketball court.
Will construction disturb the burial grounds?
No. Also, after demolition, in accordance with a Programmatic Agreement, archaeological monitors were required to be on site each day during the removal of the building debris. The total number of artifacts recovered is approximately 6,000. They were mostly domestic in nature, and included ceramics (plates, toys, teapots), glass (bottles, architectural), animal (food) bones, architectural items (things like nails), and personal items such as smoking pipes and fragments of musical instruments. The old Queen Lane high rise that was constructed on a portion of the potter’s field was “a burial place for all Strangers, Negroes and Mulattos as Die in any part of Germantown, forever.” The field dates back to 1755 and PHA is sensitive to the historic nature of the site. The green space that the new housing surrounds is believed to be the area of the former burial site. Nothing will ever be built on it in the future. A historic marker sits at the front of the development in remembrance of people formerly buried there.
How will the community benefit?
PHA’s redevelopment efforts positively impact the communities we serve. Crime rates have dropped dramatically while property values have risen in neighborhoods where PHA demolished high-rises and rebuilt modern developments. In addition, the demolition of the high-rise, the development of 55 new units, and the treatment of the potter’s field has improved the aesthetics of the neighborhood. Community members will also have access to the new community space at Queen Lane.
What services does PHA offer to residents?
PHA offers a wide variety of services to residents including education, job skills training, job placement, healthy lifestyle, nutrition, recreation, and independent living programs for youth, adults, and elderly residents. A service coordinator will be available on site part-time at the new Queen Lane development as well.
Header text
Phase I Archaeological Survey
Maps and Renderings
Implosion Documents
The implosion was held on Saturday, September 13, 2014, at 7:15 a.m. PHA outreach workers conducted surveys and provided the following information about the implosion.
Community Meeting Minutes
Contact Us
If you have additional questions about the new Queen Lane redevelopment, please email us at [email protected] .